Partner 01

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut tincidunt, justo a tempor luctus, tellus augue fermentum eros, sed placerat felis dui ut risus. Pellentesque lobortis libero quis cursus cursus. Ut ullamcorper bibendum finibus. Nunc rutrum, felis sit amet vehicula rutrum, libero nisl elementum tellus, vel aliquam lorem tellus a velit. Vestibulum eu turpis neque. Donec imperdiet sem arcu, vitae ultrices lectus volutpat quis. Maecenas ac lorem eget dui tristique pellentesque nec sed felis. Ut egestas elit neque, eget condimentum urna malesuada vel. Vivamus aliquet, augue vitae interdum elementum, eros nunc sollicitudin magna, vitae suscipit mi enim et augue. Sed vitae tellus bibendum, bibendum lorem non, elementum felis. Donec efficitur, dui a pulvinar vulputate, sapien leo vulputate enim, non convallis libero arcu ut magna. Phasellus ac urna sit amet neque consectetur viverra nec eget diam. Nam pellentesque ex vel nibh convallis, ac pharetra arcu commodo.

Maecenas condimentum tincidunt eros, eget pretium orci egestas ut. Donec dictum auctor ipsum, id varius lectus tristique id. In ut hendrerit felis. Ut semper ex tellus, et pretium sem aliquet et. Praesent cursus eros quis ligula porta, vitae semper tortor fringilla. Nam eu tristique enim. Mauris vestibulum feugiat orci. Etiam maximus varius feugiat. Suspendisse commodo consequat consequat.

Partnership life


“Faiseurs de terre” deploys its fertile substrate demonstrator, 100% recycled, local and inclusive

November 4, 2020 – On the Lil’Ô site on L’ÃŽle-Saint-Denis (93), “Les Faiseurs de terre”, a consortium comprising Halage, Neo-Eco and ECT, has deployed its fertile substrate demonstrator. The aim of this pooling of skills and resources is to validate the manufacturing process for a fertile substrate made entirely from recycled products: inert soil, crushed concrete and green waste compost. The conviction of “Faiseurs de Terres” is that this fertile, recycled, local and solidarity-based substrate should become the basis for the greening of territories, and a vector for the development of training and employment. This demonstrator, financed by Plaine Commune and “Les Faiseurs de Terre”, is the result of…

“Green in the city: the new urban challenge

An Ifop study for ECT on city dwellers’ expectations in terms of “green in the city”. As the municipal elections approach, ECT, a developer of sustainable projects using soil from construction sites, unveils the results of a survey* carried out with IFOP on city dwellers and “green in the city”. Carried out among more than 2,000 city dwellers, the study reveals the strong attachment of citizens to green spaces and their benefits. Most French people who use green spaces are satisfied with them. But the 18-35 generation of millennials stands out. It sets much higher expectations for the use of green spaces. A strategic issue in the run-up to…

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