Our subsidiaries :

Code of Ethics

At ECT, we are convinced that to act in a sustainable way, our company must create a shared commitment among all its employees and stakeholders.

Our Ethics Charter is designed to express this commitment and the ambitions that drive it as clearly as possible, based on three cardinal values: respect, excellence and leadership. It’s up to each and every one of us to embrace the company’s values and put them into practice in our day-to-day work. We expect our relationships with our stakeholders to be based on mutual respect for these values.

Our values: respect, excellence and leadership

At ECT, we place people at the heart of our missions, guaranteeing the safety, health and well-being of our employees. We guarantee fulfilling working conditions for all, and ensure that no employee is discriminated against in any way. Respect for others goes hand in hand with benevolence and loyalty.

We are systematically and permanently committed to complying with the laws, regulations and obligations applicable within the company. We ensure compliance with the rules and reject all forms of unethical behavior, such as fraud or corruption. This commitment defines our relations with our stakeholders, whether they be commercial or public. This respect mobilizes all our employees, and lies at the heart of the loyalty of our actions and our ethical commitments.

We act to keep our promises to our customers and partners. It is thanks to our close relationship with each and every one of them that we are able to honor our commitments every day.

The vision of our business and our sustainable, responsible development are rooted in respect for the environment. We pay particular attention to the impact of our sites on the quality of life of local residents and future users. We respect the regions in which we operate, their history and their future. Our actions are designed to respect the landscape and to create and enhance natural environments conducive to biodiversity.

At ECT, we’re passionate about what we do. Excellence is our priority. We strive to earn the trust of our stakeholders and partners: customers, local authorities, suppliers and community partners.

Our customers’ needs and expectations are constantly evolving. We nurture this excellence by demonstrating our ability to innovate and develop our business.

Adaptability lies at the heart of our relationships with third parties, and is the cornerstone of our development.

Each and every one of us is a player in our own excellence. The quality of our services and offerings is underpinned by the expertise, rigor and dedication that drive our excellence.

We have developed a unique global and systematic approach to recycling excavated soil from building and civil engineering sites for the benefit of a local circular economy and the creation of useful and concerted environmental developments. It puts us in a leadership position.

This leadership drives us to set an example, and is reflected in our desire to add value to the region in which we operate. We wanted to define the challenges of our business through a proactive approach to improving urban and suburban sites, where we intervene to improve neglected, denatured areas in need of rehabilitation.

Our ambition is to consolidate our position as a benchmark and leader, thanks to the ability of each and every one of us to renew our offering for our customers and develop projects that contribute to the ecological, climatic and social transition of the regions in which we operate. This strong ambition, underpinned by our expertise, is designed to ensure our continued growth.

We strongly encourage dialogue around our values, and all ECT managers are available to discuss these issues with you at any time. It’s up to everyone to freely express their concerns about our Code of Ethics.

For advice or to report a situation that might constitute a breach of our values, you can also contact Rizlaine Saghraoui, Finance and Administration Director