ECT and EIVP create a chair dedicated to reclaiming soil from urban construction sites

On October 23, 2018, EIVP, Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris, Grande Ecole of Urban Engineering, and ECT, a leading company in high value-added development in territories through the reclamation of backfill and excavated soil, signed an agreement. sponsorship agreement marks an important stage in their close collaboration. The 2-year partnership covers creation of a dedicated teaching and research chair recycling soil from urban construction sites. This interdisciplinary chair will focus on training and research into the reuse of soil from building sites and excavation work in large urban areas. In particular, this reuse can take shape as part of development projects in line with the principles of the circular economy, in collaboration with local authorities: parks, promenades, sports sites, gardens, urban farms or photovoltaic power plants.

Training and innovation to enhance the value of soil from urban construction sites

The joint ambition of ECT and EIVP is to develop research, expertise and the dissemination of knowledge and best practices in the following fields in France and internationally: the management of excavated soil to meet the needs of environmental engineering and the requirement for traceability in the construction industry and the Grand Paris Express; and the design and construction of developments that add value to the region and its users.

This Chair will enable the creation of a center of excellence for the training of high-level engineers and researchers.

  • Training: within the framework of the Chair, ECT engineers and researchers, as well as international experts, will be able to contribute to the engineering curriculum, as well as to EIVP’s continuing education programs. The chair will also enable the organization of a symposium in spring 2019 dedicated to the international issues surrounding the reuse of soil from construction sites in the world’s major cities. A scientific committee chaired by Antoine Grumbach and comprising leading figures in the field will be in charge of preparation.
  • Innovation: the Chair opens up the possibility of joint responses to calls for innovative projects at national and European level. In addition, as part of doctoral training, the range of seminars will be expanded on the basis of the Chair’s themes, and research grants or industrial agreements for training through research (CIFRE) on this theme may be offered. The Chair will also develop opportunities for “Study and Research” internships and end-of-study projects for2nd and3rd year engineering students.

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