Ecole Du Breuil and ECT sign partnership agreement

A partnership for soil fertility:

On Friday September 23, Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, and Léon Garaix, Director of Ecole Du Breuil, officially signed a partnership agreement between Ecole Du Breuil and ECT. This partnership has been operationally active since the beginning of 2022. We are proud to be a partner of this magnificent school of the

City of Paris

which for over 150 years has been home to one of the largest urban horticultural estates devoted entirely to teaching.

In particular, this partnership aims to help develop specific expertise in soil-related issues. And enable BPREA students to testfertile substrate solutionsfor market gardening. Over the next 3 years, ECT is committed to supporting these experimental projects and promoting the dissemination of their results, both scientifically and in the field.

These experiments on fertile substrates are aimed at proposing alternative solutions to combat the artificialization of agricultural land and the increasing scarcity of fertile land.

The genesis of this partnership:

This willingness to work together follows the organization, in March 2021, a morning of discussions on the theme of “Fertile substrates, an alternative to topsoil”. This conference provided review the scientific and operational state-of-the-art in soil fertilization. In response to the growing demand for greenery in public spaces. At this morning’s event, ECT, in partnership with the City of Paris, presented the creation of a fertile substrate for an urban meadow.
esplanade Saint Louis in the Bois de Vincennes.

ECT has been active in this field for several years, producing Urbafertil, a mixture of inert soil and green waste compost.

About Ecole Du Breuil

The École Du Breuil is an establishment attached to the city of Paris. The 10-hectare garden, combined with the 13-hectare arboretum, offers one of the largest horticultural estates entirely dedicated to teaching. The school welcomes around 300 students every year. It continues to provide professional training on the subject of plants in urban spaces.

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