Our subsidiaries :

Landscaped park

A landscaped garden or park is designed according to certain aesthetic criteria. Using specific techniques and materials,  gives this landscape a “landscaped” look. Source Les Entreprises du Paysage

The landscaped park is a vast natural space that integrates nature into the city, helping to reconnect urban dwellers with nature. It is an integral part of cities’ climate and environmental transition policies and their attractiveness.

Thanks to the reuse of excavated soil, ECT creates urban parks with a wide range of shapes and equipment. The slopes will be reforested and public spaces landscaped. The strong plant and ecological component is complemented by outdoor leisure and sports facilities (fitness trail, children’s playground, benches, playgrounds).  They are enhanced by pathways, most often  accessible to PRMs.

These ECT facilities are returned to the community and open to the public free of charge.