[CP]- Safer Ile-de-France and ECT inaugurate the agricultural redevelopment and environmental restoration of Grisy-Suines, a former polluted and degraded site

In the heart of the Seine-et-Marne region, Safer de l’Ile-de-France and ECT inaugurated the agricultural redevelopment and environmental restoration of a former polluted and degraded site, in the presence of Pierre Ory, Prefect of Seine-et-Marne and Jerôme Regnault, Ile-de-France Regional Councillor and 1st Vice-President of Ile-de-France Nature.

Grisy-Suisnes (Seine-et-Marne 77), January 23, 2024

Pierre Marcille, Chairman of Safer de l’Ile-de-France, Laurent Mogno, Chairman of ECT, Jean-Marc Chanussot, Mayor of Grisy-Suisnes and Seine-et-Marne departmental councillor, and Louis-Marie Saoût, Mayor of Coubert, officially opened the exemplary rebirth of the La Grange-le-Roy site, in the presence of Pierre Ory, Prefect of Seine-et-Marne, Sébastien Lime, Secretary General of the Seine-et-Marne Prefecture, Jerôme Regnault, advisor to the Ile-de-France Regional Council, Benjamin Beaussant, Director of the Ile-de-France Interdepartmental Regional Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Forestry, and more than 50 guests attended the event.

4 years of work have enabled Safer de l’Ile de France, owner of the land and project manager, and ECT to transform the former abandoned site into 17 hectares of pasture, 7.9 hectares of woodland, glacis and slopes planted with trees, and 0.6 hectares of wetlands (3 ponds created and 6 restored). This partnership was built around the circular economy principles of reusing excavated soil from construction sites to finance and build the project. The site will host a breeding operation, for which a call for applications will be issued shortly.

Transformation of the Grange-le-Roy site in Grisy-Suisnes (77)

Agricultural redevelopment and ecological restoration

In 2012, Safer de l’Ile-de-France became the owner of the Domaine de la Grange-le-Roy (excluding the château and outbuildings), located in the communes of Grisy-Suisnes and Coubert (77).

In the 1990s, the Domaine de la Grange-le-Roy was subject to unfinished development projects and deposits of polluted materials, before being abandoned in the early 2000s. When Safer de l’Ile-de-France purchased the property, it realized that the site needed to be restored and upgraded.

The aim of the project is to restore 45 hectares of land, including 25 hectares in the commune of Grisy-Suisnes, to agricultural and natural use by containing old pollution, recreating a fertile substrate and implementing ecological measures.

The circular economy of excavated soil as a vector for site transformation and project implementation

The partnership between Safer de l’Ile-de-France and ECT has structured the development of the La Grange-le-Roy project. ECT is the French leader in the management and reuse of excavated soil from construction and civil engineering projects for environmental and social purposes. Inert soil from local construction sites has helped to shape and finance the agricultural and ecological renewal of the site. The project design, land acceptance and landscaping were carried out by ECT as part of this partnership.

Restoring fertile soil

Once the inert soil had been added, soil fertility was restored by adding vegetable silt and a fertile substrate (a mixture of inert soil and green waste compost), the specifications for which were drawn up in partnership with the Ile-de-France Regional Chamber of Agriculture. The first seedlings were sown in September 2022.

Restore natural environments, create wetlands

The site’s environmental restoration has guided its transformation.

This component comprises several actions:

  • Restoration of natural habitats with high ecological value, in open and wooded areas, accompanied by ecological management.
  • Preservation of protected species through specific measures: creation and restoration of ponds, installation of bat shelters and reptile refuges (restoration of dry stone walls)…
  • Creation and restoration of wetlands.
  • Support and ecological monitoring of the site over a 30-year period.

Key elements of the project

Circular economy



duration of work



volume of soil input



50% of imported soil comes from excavation sites within 30 km of the site

Agriculture and Biodiversity



pasture restoration



wetlands created

3 ponds created and 6 mars restored



wooded areas

7000 trees planted



glacis and herbaceous slopes

30 refuges installed (bats and reptiles)



Ecological monitoring after site completion

logo safer ile de france

Project owner

The Société d’Aménagement Foncier et d’Établissement Rural (Safer) is a land operator with a public service mission to develop rural and peri-urban areas in the Paris region. Safer de l’Ile-de-France is a not-for-profit public limited company under the dual authority of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, and the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. Its mission is to maintain and develop agriculture, protect the environment, promote local development in conjunction with local authorities, and ensure the transparency of the land market.


  • Stéphanie BOBILLIER – 01 42 65 46 91 – stephanie.bobillier@safer-idf.com
  • Coralie FIRMIN – 01 42 65 60 00 – coralie.firmin@safer-idf.com

ECT is part of a circular economy approach to the reuse of excavated soil from construction sites in the Paris region.

The “Environment and inert soils” department identifies treatment channels and organizes the traceability of materials, while the “Development and planning” department works with local authorities and developers to design concerted projects for the reuse of inert soils that promote biodiversity.


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