Conference: using composts to re-use inert soil?


March 8, 2024 – At the Ecole du Breuil, ECT and Les Alchimistes hosted a conference on the refertilization of inert soils.

The conference was held as part of our partnership with the Ecole du Breuil. ECT’s objective was to present its solutions for creating fertile soil from inert soil. And to present to the new class of BPREA (Brevet Professionnel Responsable d’Exploitation Agricole), the framework of the fertile market garden substrate experiment, conducted for several years with the Ecole du Breuil and Les Alchimistes.

This event was an opportunity to share our innovative revegetation and fertility restoration practices, applied to our green and agricultural developments.

Speakers at the conference included :

  • Marie Monjauze and Elise Boiraudfrom Ecole du Breuil,
  • Alix Caillard and Maïwenn Mollet from Les Alchimistes
  • Guillaume Lemoine and Sophie Alix from ECT

ECT is delighted with this partnership and remains actively involved in the search for innovative solutions for the responsible management of natural resources and the promotion of sustainable agriculture.


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