Boissy/Puiseux (95) unauthorized landfill: the press reports on a solution with ECT

Illegal dumping, a national scourge

The unauthorized dumping of waste in the municipalities of Boissy-l’Aillerie and Puiseux-Pontoise has caused extensive damage and degradation of the site, which could become irreparable if no action is taken.


  • December 4, 2017: Start of illegal land occupation and intensive illegal dumping activities. The landfill covers 30% public land (CACP) and 70% private land, in the municipalities of Boissy l’Aillerie and Puiseux-Pontoise.
  • May 5, 2018: The prefecture puts an end to the illegal dump and secures the site by placing concrete blocks. In 5 months, 6,000 tonnes / 14,000 m3 of waste were deposited on the site.

Faced with the scale of the rehabilitation costs, the public authorities asked ECT for help. The Val d’Oise Prefecture would like to find a solution for waste removal and site renaturation. A solution is emerging.

Following ECT’s participation in the 2nd Regional Forum on the fight against illegal dumping, the press reported on ECT’s proposed solution.

“In Val-d’Oise, an unauthorized landfill will disappear”. A report from France Inter’s Matinale, February 17, 2021 by Alexandra Lagar

“In Val-d’Oise, one of Ile-de-France’s largest unauthorized landfills will be able to disappear”, an article from February 14, 2021 by Marie Persidat.

“The Puiseux-Boissy landfill will disappear”. An article from January 13 to 19, 2021, by Jérôme Carvaretta

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