Biodiversity as a vector for our projects
Every stage of our projects, from design to development, takes biodiversity into account and assesses its impact. ECT creates undeveloped projects with permeable, functional soils. As a result, we are able to program the creation of a variety of environments: woodlands, meadows, wetlands, specific habitats, adapted to the site and its environment, depending on the future use of the site. Our projects help preserve and restore ecosystems and ecological corridors.

ECT, a company committed to Nature
In partnership with the Humanité et Biodiversité association, ECT has made a commitment to theFrench Office for Biodiversity as a Company Committed to Nature. This approach federates and energizes our commitments in favor of biodiversity, on 4 major themes for its preservation and restoration.
- Combating soil erosion (permeability, drainage, hydraulic management)
- Controlling invasive alien plant species
- Assessing the quality of our restoration projects
- Passing on good ecological management practices to the future site manager
- Raising employee awareness through operational training

Evaluating our impact, reducing our biodiversity footprint
ECT projects have an impact on their environment. Our ambition is to add a strategy of positive contribution to biodiversity to the Avoid-Reduce-Compensate sequence. This contribution must be greater than the disturbance aspects of the initial environment (even if degraded) induced by inert soil inputs.
Our projects have a rehabilitation capacity. They can be a lever for the positive transformation of the site through the creation of new uses and new environmental functions. Project design includes, in direct collaboration with ecologists integrated into the project team :
- the (re)creation of different environments, reinforcing green belts
- specific protection for certain species
- the creation of specific habitats for small fauna, particularly during the construction phase of the project
- full traceability of excavated soil to verify its inert nature

Diversifying ecological environments
In harmony with their environment, ECT’s projects help to recreate diversified natural environments: wetlands, meadows, steppes and forests, while optimizing rainwater management. These areas promote biodiversity, restore ecosystems and meet climate challenges through stratified woodlands, habitat-rich meadows and wetlands. They also aim to reinforce local green and blue networks.

Assessing the quality of renaturation
The assessment of how biodiversity is taken into account in our projects measures changes between the initial situation and the projected situation. This assessment was designed in partnership with Ecoter, an ecology consultancy. It is based on the following criteria:
- Habitat functionality: the aim is to determine whether the habitats present shelter or are likely to shelter plant and animal species. And whether they can cover all or part of their life cycle.
- Consistency with the surrounding environment: to what extent are the habitats of the developed area consistent with the site’s surroundings.
- Heritage value of the site: this is a function of the rarity of the habitat and its species, the degree of threat to them and their protection status.
- Ability of the site to host threatened or near-threatened species.

Integrating the French Biodiversity Standard into the ISO 14001 environmental management system
Since 2021, ECT’s ISO 14001 environmental management system has incorporated the methodology of French Standard X32-001 Biodiversity. This standard guides organizations in their efforts to reduce their biodiversity footprint. It is part of a global drive to combat the erosion of biodiversity.
The application of This standard has enabled us to take stock of ECT’s dependence on and impact on biodiversity. The adoption of this standard has led to the implementation of concrete, time-bound and quantified objectives, which are also part of the Entreprise Engagée pour la Nature (Enterprise Committed to Nature) approach.

3 questions for Guillaume Lemoine, land development manager for the Hauts-de-France region and ECT biodiversity consultant
5 months after you joined the company, what biodiversity issues might an ecologist discover on ECT sites? I joined a company that was already concerned about biodiversity. It’s a pleasure to discover and support colleagues who are integrating this issue into their work. Biodiversity is thus an integral part of our entire production and value chain: At the outset of projects, in site surveys. The sites we work on can have their own biodiversity. When building the project with soil inputs. Particular attention is paid to the management of invasive exotic species, the restoration of soil fertility and the traceability of land brought in. In the creation of the…

Biodiversity: 5 priority actions to combat invasive alien species
In this article, Aurélie Vedel, ECT’s landscaping and green spaces manager, explains her plan to combat IAS. A global biodiversity issue, a local battle for ECT Invasive alien species (IAS) are a recognized threat to natural environments, and represent the 4th leading cause of biodiversity loss worldwide. Their presence causes exorbitant agricultural, piscicultural, ecological and sanitary damage. In March 2021, CNRS researchers published a summary of the economic costs of IAS worldwide. Between 1870 and 2017, the loss amounted to US$1,288 billion. Neglected sites favour the presence of IAS The initial neglect of most of the sites where ECT operates encourages the presence and even the proliferation of IAS….

2 new ECT sites join Humanité et Biodiversité’s Oasis Nature network
3 ECT Oasis Nature sites in Seine-et-Marne Renatured areas at ECT’s Annet-sur-Marne (77) and Roissy-en-Brie (77) sites join Humanité et Biodiversité’s Oasis Nature network Following on from the Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin (77) site, singled out for its orchard, wooded hillsides and recreation area for the Common Buzzard, the areas dedicated to biodiversity at 2 ECT sites in Seine-et-Marne have joined the Oasis Nature network. A great accolade for ECT’s design, operation and fit-out teams. “ECT is encouraged to continue its efforts to create quality sites for biodiversity!” Charlotte Eulry, Oasis Nature project manager Find out more about Oasis Nature and Humanité et Biodiversité Find out more about the ECT project at…

ECT joins Humanité & Biodiversité’s “Oasis Nature” network
What is the “Oasis Nature” network supported by Humanité et Biodiversité? A “Nature Oasis” is an area dedicated to preserving biodiversity and recreating links between mankind and nature. Joining the network is voluntary. It requires good land management practices. The dedicated area must be conducive to the development of wild flora and fauna. A commitment that translates into compliance with a charter A charter is neither a legal document nor a list of requirements, but a commitment to sustainable behavior. Spontaneity: nature finds its place in this hunting-free oasis. Natural: L’Oasis Nature is a pesticide-free area, where sustainable techniques are used to maintain green spaces. Diversity: The Oasis must…

In Lens (62), children plant the future forest
“On Saint Catherine’s Day, everything takes root”. On the former industrial site on avenue Van Pelt in Lens (62), children from the Emile Basly school planted around a hundred trees. These trees will be the first to form the future urban forest. This renaturation and awareness-raising initiative is part of the Festival de l’Arbre, organized by Lens town council and EPF Hauts-de-France. This event is a symbol of the transformation of this wasteland into an urban forest. Renaturalizing a wasteland to create the future urban forest The rehabilitation of the former Van Pelt industrial site, managed by the EPF des Hauts-de-France, is taking shape. The common goal is to…

Humanité & Biodiversité raises awareness of biodiversity among ECT employees
Biodiversity training and awareness for ECT field teams Why and how can we take action for nature, both in our everyday lives and on ECT sites? Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, President of Humanité et Biodiversité, took part in 2 training sessions. The aim is to raise awareness of the diversity of living things by understanding what makes up this biodiversity. What is the respective place of mammals, vertebrates, insects and microbes? What are the exchanges in natural environments? And to better understand the preservation needs of living beings. These mornings of learning and sharing are complemented by original discovery walks on our Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site. The site has been partially renaturalized. It…

Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin, January 16 – Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, Chairman of the Humanité et Biodiversité association, and Laurent Mogno, Chairman of ECT, have officially signed a joint charter of commitment to biodiversity. This Charter is the result of a year’s work with a shared objective: to share the challenges of preserving life, to participate in the development of knowledge and to affirm through action positive commitments to biodiversity. For Humanité et Biodiversité, this co-written and co-signed charter represents an opportunity to take action to integrate biodiversity into operational projects. Through this signature, ECT is structuring its capacity and methods of intervention in favor of biodiversity on a territorial scale. The aim: to…