Our subsidiaries :

Soils, projects, life

ECT is part of a dynamic circular economy in which inert excavated soil is reused. This soil comes from building and public works sites.

Our development projects promote biodiversity and quality of life. They are put to different uses depending on the local issues at stake: landscape parks, reforestation, soundproofing mounds, photovoltaic power plants, agricultural land raising, urban farms, golf courses, sports and leisure grounds and facilities, etc.



Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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ECT joins Connexion 21’s Club Jeunes Talents

  ECT is showcasing young corporate talent as part of a programme launched by Connexion 21, in partnership with UNEV and FNTP. The aim of this initiative is to highlight

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UNEV - Jeunes talents - UNEV - Young talent



Making a success of the “Ecological Engineering Horizon 2030” roadmap

The “Ingénierie et Génie Écologique Horizon 2030” (Engineering and Ecological Engineering Horizon 2030) roadmap aims to encourage the use of the resources offered by ecological engineering, an essential field for

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ECT génie écologique - ECT ecological engineering



ECT customer barometer: satisfaction and outlook for the construction industry

Understanding our customers’ needs and perceptions is at the heart of what we do. That’s why, in March 2024, ECT launched a questionnaire among its construction and public works customers.

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Infographics ECT customer barometer

ECT key figures


million tonnes

of excavated material processed / year



in France, with a new  branch in the Hauts-de-France region


development sites

regularly in operation to recycle excavated soil


trees planted

per year



guests per year

for educational activities and plantations


solar panels

installed (in partnership with Akuo)

Over the past 5 years, the following projects have been completed or are in progress:


ha of landscaped parkland,

sports and leisure facilities


ha of farmland

including 2 projects with SAFER IDF


ha of urban forest

and freely evolving biodiversity zones

Business lines

Our business is based on 3 areas of expertise.

Recovering excavated soil from construction sites

Icon BTP

Sales Division

identifies treatment channels for inert and polluted soil. It manages relations with our customers in the construction and public works sector and organizes the traceability of excavated soil to sites for reuse, recycling or treatment

Receiving inert soil
to carry out

Icon aménagements

Operations Division

receives and inspects excavated soil and ensures its traceability. It ensures that the site is properly integrated into the surrounding environment and designs the project’s layout. Finally, it carries out development, equipment and renaturation work

Designing sustainable and useful

Icon Réalisations

Design Department

dialogue with local communities and public authorities to identify sites and design concerted uses for the future development, an opportunity for the local attractiveness.

Achievements and
development projects

  • A sports, inclusive and educational park: the Parc de l'Arboretum

    Moissy-Cramayel (77)

  • A mountain bike trials competition stadium for a local association

    Epône (78)

  • Greening a former parking lot with fertile substrate

    Paris (75012)

  • Planting an urban forest on brownfield land

    Lens (62)

  • A playground on a former industrial wasteland

    Stains (93)

  • Developing the "Gabots" photovoltaic power plant

    Annet-sur-Marne (77)

  • A new municipal park: Parc de la Prée

    Claye-Souilly (77)

  • Improving golf course design

    Saint-Pierre-du-Perray (91)

  • L'économie circulaire des terres excavées permet de recréer des espaces de nature et des zones agricoles comme le verger à Villeneuve sous Dammartin - The circular economy of excavated soil is helping to recreate natural areas and agricultural zones such as the orchard at Villeneuve sous Dammartin.

    Agriculture, biodiversity and land art, in Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin

    Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin (77)

  • Developing an agricultural landscape and a leisure project

    Annet-sur-Marne (77)