Apprenticeship and tutoring to become a construction equipment operator

Dimitri, 33, is an area manager and Baptiste, 17, is a student at the Lycée polyvalent les Pannevelles. Baptiste is on a work-study program as a machine operator, and Dimitri is his tutor.

Interview on the ECT site in Chelles.

What's your background?

Baptiste, 17 years old: “I’m studying for a two-year vocational diploma to become a machine operator in the public works sector. At the end of my 1st year, I’m doing a sandwich course at ECT. Back in 2020, I had the opportunity to do an internship on an ECT site. After my CAP, I wanted to continue my studies. Becoming a machine operator is a real vocation. It’s a real passion. Ever since I was very young, I’ve been fascinated by the machines on the public highway. And now I have the chance to live my dream.

Dimitri: “I joined ECT in 2009, and today I’m a sector manager and in charge of the roadworks teams. I followed the same curriculum at the same school as Baptiste. I’m interested in training the next generation of ECT machine operators. So far, I’ve taken on 8 trainees for CAP validation. Baptiste’s work-study program is an opportunity for real mentoring.

What does an apprentice and tutor do?

Baptiste works at ECT’s Chelles site, learning a trade and discovering ECT’s business. “Dimitri took the time to explain to me how ECT manages and recovers soil from construction sites. Everything becomes much more concrete in the field”. Every month, Baptiste is on the job for three weeks a month. Every morning, he puts on his safety equipment and settles into one of the construction machines. Baptiste is acquiring real versatility: “I really have the opportunity to drive all types of machine: dump truck, backhoe, loader, backhoe loader, bull, tanker”.

Dimitri, as tutor, assists his apprentice: “I have a dual role: to support Baptiste in his tasks and missions, to answer his questions, to teach him how to work to become more technical. But also, to help him evolve and prepare him for his end-of-year exams. It’s my first time as a tutor, so it’s a great experience.

Baptiste can’t wait for July, because for 3 months he’ll be 100% in the field. He still has a year to go before taking his exam. He hopes to go on to ECT.

And how do you become a good machine operator?

Dimitri and Baptiste agree that you need maturity, diligence and concentration to observe and master your environment and avoid accidents. “We push earth, to create layouts with shapes and uses specific to a project, this gives meaning to our trade”.

Dimitri: “To do well in this job at ECT, you have to work in every position. That’s why Baptiste also works as an usher. He learns to manage the safety of the trucks unloading, to know the different types of soil, to control them.”

What interests you about ECT's job sites?

Baptiste: “At school, we’re taught to dig and strip all types of terrain. On ECT sites, it’s more spectacular. We work at heights, on slopes. And that doesn’t scare me. It’s incredible to think that we’re going to make a park out of this land, right in the middle of the city. During my apprenticeship, I’ll have to master the techniques of shaping and finishing according to the project’s layout plans. That’s what interests me.”

Dimitri: “I love everything about my job! What always fascinates me is seeing the transformation of a site over several years. I also love working on smaller projects. You get to see the whole project in a single summer.”

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