An LPO / ECT partnership to help Athena’s owl

Respect for the environment and the preservation of biodiversity are at the heart of ECT’s values.

That’s why we pay particular attention to the impact of our activity. Better still, we want to be proactive in favor of biodiversity. As underlined by our charter of commitment with the HumanitĂ© et BiodiversitĂ© association.

We now need to translate this commitment to biodiversity into concrete action. That’s why ECT has signed a partnership agreement with the LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux – League for the Protection of Birds ).

The LPO is an association renowned for its work to protect species. The aim of the program developed for the Little Owl in Ile-de-France is to re-establish ecological continuity between the Val d’Oise and northern Seine-et-Marne. And in so doing, preserve the bird’s core populations in the area.

The LPO’s mission with ECT is to advise us on 3 of our sites located in the Athena’s owl study area: Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin (77), VĂ©mars (95) and Louvres (95). ECT’s action will be to encourage its installation. This means creating corridors.

On the Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site, improvements are already planned for this year. More specifically, in the orchard area, with the installation of nesting boxes for the owl.

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