Paris, March 12, 2019: Akuo Energy, France’s leading independent producer of distributed renewable energy, and ECT, a developer of sites through the reuse of soil from real estate and construction sites, announce the creation of a joint subsidiary ACT-E.

The aim is to increase photovoltaic energy production in the Paris region to around 100 MWp at sites operated by ACT-E.
ACT-E’s aim is to develop a local, regional approach, offering Ile-de-France residents green electricity produced locally.
This partnership between the two companies aims to optimize the performance of photovoltaic power plants by adapting their layout. On the sites identified, ECT’s earthworks play a decisive role in creating a shape designed to give the photovoltaic panels the best possible exposure to the sun. This type of layout also facilitates the plant’s integration into the landscape.
A first ACT-E operation is already being financed and will soon be under construction. This is a 17MWp photovoltaic power plant located in Annet-surMarne (77).

We are very pleased with this
partnership. It illustrates the circular economy principle at the heart of ECT's approach. ACT-E will produce photovoltaic electricity close to the needs of the people of the Paris region. Electricity will be generated on sites equipped with
The construction of the Grand Paris Express is a major source of land for us.
a future energy contribution to the operation of the metro.

Laurent Mogno
Chairman of ECT

This partnership takes
a new form today with this joint subsidiary between ECT and Akuo which
gives sites a second life. This energy production project
is a demonstration of the strength of our partnership in the service of the
and its economic dynamism.

Eric Sotto
Chairman and co-founder of Akuo Energy

The Annet-sur-Marne project in figures

Type: ground-mounted fixed structures


photovoltaic footprint



total area



installed capacity



products, equivalent to the consumption of around 3,700 households excluding heating

About Akuo Energy

Akuo Energy is France’s leading independent producer of distributed and renewable energy. Akuo Energy is present across the entire value chain: development, financing, construction and operation. At the end of 2018, Akuo Energy had invested 2.2 billion euros for a total capacity to date of 1.2 GW of assets in operation and under construction and over 2 GW of projects under development. With over 350 employees, the Paris-based group is present in 18 countries worldwide. Akuo Energy is aiming for a global production capacity of 3,500 MW by 2022.


Olivia Vendrame – 01 47 66 09 90 vendrame@akuoenergy.com

About ECT

ECT’s growth is part of a circular economy strategy: reusing inert soil from construction sites in the Paris region to work with local authorities on concerted, sustainable development projects. To structure this dynamic, ECT has developed various areas of expertise: an “Excavated Soil Management” division to meet the environmental engineering and traceability needs of the construction industry and the Grand Paris Express, and a “Development Design and Implementation” division to offer local authorities useful projects based on the reclamation of excavated soil. A division in charge of site operation and development rounds out the company’s range of core businesses.
Key figures
– Created in 1997
– 190 employees
– Some fifteen sites in operation in the Paris region
– 15 million tonnes of excavated material processed / year
– 10,000 trees planted / year


Ariane Gateau – 01 58 65 10 72 agateau@hopscotch.fr

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