Agricultural rehabilitation of the Louvres site: corn harvest scheduled for autumn

Restoring agricultural vitality to the land: the challenge of rehabilitating the Louvres site (95)

Before they were rehabilitated, the land had been contaminated by the construction of the nearby Francilienne motorway. The soil was of poor agronomic quality. In this context, ECT was involved in financing and initiating the agricultural rehabilitation of the land. The work took 5 years to complete.

Some agricultural plots will regain their fertility by reconstituting a top layer of fertile substrate created in situ by ECT’s R&D and landscaping teams.

On another part of the site, ECT concentrated on reclaiming topsoil. This is where the farmer was able to sow in early May, despite very unfavorable weather conditions. The corn will be harvested in autumn.

Handover to the farmer on the Louvres site

Discover Pierre Charlier's photo report

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