ACT-E inaugurates “Les Gabots” solar power plant, one of the largest in the Île-de-France region

France, Annet-sur-Marne, September 29, 2020 – ACT-E, a joint venture between Akuo, a French independent producer of renewable and distributed energy, and ECT, a company specializing in the recovery of inert materials from construction sites, today inaugurated the “Les Gabots” photovoltaic power plant in Annet-sur-Marne. With a production capacity of 17 MWp, it is one of the largest solar power plants in the Paris region.

One of the largest solar farms in the Paris region

The plant, comprising 44,000 photovoltaic modules, covers an area of 18.5 hectares. It avoids 847 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. Electricity production covers the power supply needs of 3,700 households, or almost 10,000 inhabitants. It makes the commune of Annet-sur-Marne (population 3,300) a positive-energy commune.

Giving a second life to derelict land

The plant is the result of a partnership between Akuo and ECT, through their joint subsidiary ACT-E. The solar panels are installed on inert earth embankments, optimizing their inclination and giving the site a second life. Akuo and ECT plan to duplicate the “Les Gabots” project on other projects in the Paris region. The aim is to develop photovoltaic energy production in particular, reaching 100 MWp at sites operated by ACT-E.

A crowdfunding campaign is open to all citizens

Akuo and ECT have decided to give all citizens the opportunity to benefit from the profitability of the “Les Gabots” solar power plant by offering them the chance to take part in refinancing the project through participative lending on its digital platform AkuoCoop. Over €500,000 was raised in less than 30 days. This scheme is designed to promote citizen financing of the energy transition, by
based on the territories that are the players. Since its creation, the platform has raised over 7 million euros in just 4 years to finance 13 green energy production plants.

On this occasion, Eric Scotto and Laurent Mogno thanked all the investors and financiers without whom the plant would not have been possible: regional bodies such as SEM SIPENR,
SEM SDESM Energies and Île-de-France Energies, as well as local authorities (the commune of Annet-sur-Marne and the Plaines et Monts de France community of municipalities), Crédit Coopératif and
AkuoCoop’s backers.

This power plant, the result of our partnership with ECT, is a source of pride for the Akuo Group.
of our first photovoltaic power plant in the Paris region, and already one of the world's largest.
of the Region. The quality of its visual integration on the site is exceptional. We
we are fully in line with the dynamics of the mobilization plan for transformation
of the Île-de-France region driven by Regional President Valérie Pécresse. We
we are convinced that the development of photovoltaic technology in the Paris region will continue to grow.
in the coming years, particularly on derelict or abandoned land.

Eric Sotto
Chairman and co-founder, Akuo

ECT's development model is to identify land to be developed and to devise new
non-built development projects, reusing excavated soil from construction sites in the Paris region.
This was done in full consultation with local elected representatives. We felt it was important to broaden the scope of our
offers communities renewable energy solutions. Given our capacity
shaping and modelling the soil to give it the right slope, we have been
naturally oriented towards photovoltaic energy. ECT is very proud of this 1st operation
with Akuo to create this powerful solar power plant in Annet-sur-Marne.

Laurent mogno
Chairman of ECT

This ambitious project will contribute to our region's reputation in the field of
renewable energies. It's an emblematic project made possible by the investment of
the Region via Ile-de-France Energies, with an equity investment of €450,000. In the end
a concrete expression of our solar plan

Jean-Philippe Dugoin-Clément
Vice-Chairman of the Île-de-France Region

Annet wanted to take part in the urgently needed energy transition [...]. Today, Annet boasts one of the largest solar farms in the Ile-de-France region, maintained by ecopturage. In this way, we are contributing to sustainable development. Christian Marchandeau, first deputy mayor and former mayor of Annetsur-Marne, concludes: "This solar park is our town's greatest asset.

Stéphanie Auzias
Mayor of Annet-sur-Marne

About Akuo, entrepreneur by nature

Akuo is a French independent producer of renewable and distributed energy. Akuo is present across the entire value chain: development, financing, construction and operation. By the end of 2019, Akuo had invested 2.5 billion euros for a total capacity to date of 1.2 GW of assets in operation and under construction, and over 5 GW of projects under development. With over 350 employees, the Paris-based Group is present in more than 15 countries worldwide. Akuo is aiming for a global production capacity of 3,500 MW by 2022.
Further information:


Mila Averlant – 06 10 83 36

About ECT

ECT’s growth is part of a circular economy strategy: reusing inert soil from construction sites in the Paris region to work with local authorities on concerted, sustainable development projects. To structure this dynamic, ECT has developed various areas of expertise: an “Excavated Soil Management” division to meet the environmental engineering and traceability needs of the public works sector and the Grand Paris Express, and a “Development Design and Implementation” division to offer local authorities useful projects based on the reclamation of excavated soil. A division in charge of site operation and development rounds out the company’s range of core businesses. Key figures : Founded in 1997 | 190 employees | 15 operating sites in the Paris region | 15 million tonnes of excavated material processed annually | 20,000 trees planted per year.

Further information


Ariane Gateau – 01 58 65 10 72

Sarah El Adak – 01 41 34 22 88

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