A wealth of news from the ECT center for the biological treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted soil

At La Courneuve, the ECT center for the biological treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted soil was inaugurated 3 years ago. The first and only indoor facility of its kind in France, the center can now process 180,000 tonnes of impacted soil every year. It regularly attracts media and expert interest. An overview of recent visits.

August 2020, Cayola Construction

Journalist Charlotte Divet has an article entitled “Grand Paris, a covered center to decontaminate 180,000 tons of soil a year” and a comprehensive video report on the operation of the center for treating soil polluted with hydrocarbons.

August 2020: IXI Experts convergence symposium

IxI experts visit the center to understand the treatment and reuse of impacted soil. ECT’s Guillaume Paradis answers questions from Pierre Lebrun of CPA-Expert. The report was broadcast at the Convergence conference organized by the IXI network.

January 2020: France Inter

We can’t get enough of the radio dynamism of journalist Juliette Prouteau, who devotes an episode of “Les terres du Grand Paris” on the program “La Terre au Carré” to ECT’s land treatment center.

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ECT strengthens its CSR commitment with a supplier charter

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Experimental plots from the European Reecol project at the Mazingarbe site

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Landify US opens a site in Garnet, Palm Springs, California

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