ECT's commitment to biodiversity recognized by national label
March 2023 – ECT has been awarded the Entreprise Engagée pour la Nature label. This label is awarded by the OFB, after examination of the dossier. The Humanité et Biodiversité association advised us in analyzing the issues at stake and in drawing up our biodiversity strategy.
Biodiversity issues by phase of ECT development

At the design stage
- Ensure that the worksite is carried out without any loss of biodiversity, in application of the ERC sequence.
- Define the environmental gains to be achieved. These improvements can take various forms: reclamation of wasteland, creation of environmental and social amenities, gains for biodiversity.
- Take into account any temporary (in situ) loss of ecological value during the construction period.
- Design a renaturation project that contributes to the needs of key species identified in the area that could benefit from the renaturation project. The creation of rare or endangered environments for stenotopic species (with high ecological requirements) is feasible on our sites.
- Take into account the site’s hydrogeological context and the hydraulic issues related to the project and soil inputs.
Construction phase
- Maintain surface soil and manage surface water. Ditches should not be filled in, and water should not be added to hydrological networks abruptly (management of heavy rainfall).
- Prevent the establishment and spread of invasive exotic species, mainly plant species.
- Prevent the arrival of species that can harm ecosystems and agricultural areas
- Avoid the development of species that can pose health risks, such as Wormwood ragweed and Giant Hogweed.
After restitution of the completed layout
- Ensure the long-term viability of the work carried out and the renaturation achieved: non-management, or inappropriate management, can be highly detrimental and contrary to naturalist objectives and even regulatory obligations.
Biodiversity strategy developed within the framework of the "entreprise engagée pour la nature" label
Our strategy is structured around 4 major axes. These axes also correspond to our commitment to the NF X32-001 biodiversity standard integrated into our ISO 14001 EMS.
Maintain soil stability. This means combating erosion of surface horizons and surface water turbidity, and slowing down the outflow of rainwater/meteorites. The aim is to control the movement of water and soil through appropriate hydraulic management. This management reduces nuisance and lessens the impact of runoff on surface water, the aquatic environment and existing soils. It avoids/limits erosion. The main actions consist in creating a suitable topography and targeted seeding to prevent gullying.
Limiting and reducing the impact of operations on natural environments and heritage species on the intervention site. The aim is to protect and gain a better understanding of the species and habitats at stake. This requires awareness-raising and training for all employees in the value chain. And secondly, to create areas of high ecological quality by innovating in terms of biodiversity. This innovation can take the form of creating specific habitats for key species.
Enhancing biodiversity through revegetation (seeding and planting). It is also important to ensure that the natural environments created will be maintained by the transferee/future manager. This requires co-construction of the project, the signing of an agreement to maintain the objectives and ecological improvements achieved, and the handover of the project to the new owner/future manager. management plan.
Monitor, contain and control species invasive alien species (IAS) by developing knowledge (mapping, recognition) and promoting the “right” reflexes after identification (rapid intervention), as well as monitoring and sharing experience.
Our commitments for 2025
- Raising the awareness of 70% of our employees with training courses dedicated to biodiversity and adapted to our activity.
- Ensure total reduction in nuisance and the impact of water runoff on the aquatic environment and on existing soils: objective of zero hydraulic environmental incidents.
- Promote high ecological quality in projects. 100% of ECT projects must be rated above 7/10. A score of 5 represents a neutral intervention and a score of 10 an outperformance. Evaluation is carried out using our “surface biodiversity indicator” tool designed by an ecology consultancy.
- Reduce the presence of invasive alien plant species by more than 25%.