Chelles (77)

- Seine-et-Marne (77)

Chemin du Sempin
77500 Chelles

GPS coordinates :

48.892966, 2.5905579

Restoring natural environments in urban areas : Sempin Park

Types of layout

Icon - Aménagement Parc Urbain

Landscaped urban park

Picto sport

Outdoor sports and relaxation area

Issues :

Green in the city

Sport in the city


In operation,
soil inputs


logo safer ile de france

Project presentation

The project involves the redevelopment of the Plaine du Sempin in Chelles, a derelict site. The aim is to restore and secure natural environments in urban areas and (re)connect the new Parc du Sempin to the neighboring Parc Jousseaume. ECT is the operator acting on behalf of SAFER, the landowner.

The site also recovers soil extracted from the nearby Grand Paris Express tunnel boring machine.

Key figures


start of construction




wetland creation



restoration of open areas and dry grasslands

Project life

Plantations Chelles - Maire

Tree planting with the Chellois

February 2025 – From February 4 to 6, nearly 700 CM2 pupils and some 20 elected members of the Chelles Children’s Council took part in the planting of 4,150 seedlings in the Parc du Sempin. Supported by the City of Chelles, Safer Ile-de-France and the Paris-Vallée de la Marne urban community, this initiative enabled young Chelles residents to contribute to the planting of this new 24-hectare area. This initiative is part of the Chelles Nature 2030 plan. The park will be inaugurated in June 2025 and will offer a place of relaxation, leisure and nature open to all.


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Juillet 2024 - site Chelles- Mise en place substrat fertile

Laying the fertile substrate for the green landscaping

July 2024 – In partnership with Safer de l’Ile-de-France, we are rehabilitating the land on the Plaine du Sempin. Our teams are finalizing the development by creating an innovative substrate, a mixture of green waste compost and inert soil from the construction industry. This initiative is supported by Paris Vallée de la Marne and integrated into Plante & Cité’s SITERRE II program. Sol&Co will follow up and provide recommendations based on their analyses. Thanks to this partnership, the site is being rehabilitated by reusing excavated soil to shape the future park and finance the landscaping. Parc du Sempin, scheduled for completion in 2025, will provide access to Montfermeil’s Parc Jousseaume, creating a unique intercommunal green space.

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Institut Paris Région photographs the Chelles site

June 2021 – Lhe photographer Pierre-Yves Rubaud commissioned by the IPR, visited the Chelles site. As he made his way around the site, he took photos of the old quarry on the Sempin and the redevelopment work managed by ECT in partnership with SAFER.

The site is currently being redeveloped as the Sempin urban park. Sempin by 2024, next to Parc Jousseaume, using soil excavated from the site of line 16 of the Grand Paris Express.

Regional Prefect visits Parc du Sempin redevelopment site

May 11, 2021 – SAFER and ECT organize a visit to the site currently being redeveloped in the presence of Marc GUILLAUME, Prefect of the Ile-de-France Region and Prefect of Paris, Thierry COUDERT, Prefect of Seine-et-Marne and the Mayor of Chelles.

The town of Chelles, the SAFER, the SGP and ECT recalled the origins of the project and its landscape and environmental ambitions, which are part of a circular economy approach to the land of the Grand Paris Express.

The site visit provided an opportunity to discuss site operations, earthworks and safety, and soil traceability processes. And to see in operation the conveyor belt that transports earth from the GPE tunnel boring machine close to the site.

Short circuit for recycling GPE tunnel boring machine soil

The Sempin site is being rehabilitated using excavated soil. This contribution will be made in a short circuit. The soil comes from the nearby tunnel boring machine (TBM), which is digging the route for lot 2 of line 16. More traditional soils from local construction sites are also recycled on the site.

Securing Parc Jousseaume

Under a partnership with SAFER, the site’s owner, the area was closed to the public due to its dangerous and degraded state. The presence of an old, poorly secured underground quarry has led to the appearance of collapse zones (fontis).

Phase 1: Securing the Jousseaume park in Montfermeil. Injection filling to secure quarry voids, correct and prevent sinkholes.

Parc du Sempin: rehabilitation and renaturation

The project provides for various measures to preserve ecological environments, perpetuate sensitive natural habitats and encourage the maintenance of flora and fauna:

  • Implementation of a management plan, in consultation with local organizations and associations
  • Ecological monitoring for 10 years after completion of the project. This monitoring enables us to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken to promote biodiversity.
  • Certain areas will be off-limits to the public, to preserve quiet zones for flora and fauna.

In 2024, the Parc du Sempin to the public, relaxation, walks, leisure, sport and nature are on the agenda.

Walkers will be able to discover new highlights of the Park, such as the wetland and the 2 lookouts. And relax in the flower meadow with its children’s playground, picnic tables and fitness trail, or pick fruit from the orchards. Most of the footpaths will be accessible to people with reduced mobility.

Further information

Icon - Feuille

Environmental and social quality of ECT development projects

Financing and project development

Land traceability, a major challenge

See our examples of achievements

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