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[PRESSE] Les Yeux du Ciel, an official event covered by the press

Les Yeux du Ciel”, a work by Antoine Grumbach and ECT depicting giant eyes, was an event covered by the press. Here’s a panorama of this unique project at the gateway to Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulle airport.

Ile-de-France “La colline de terre du Grand Paris Express aura des yeux”, an article by Hendrick Delaire, published on 25/01/2019 for Le Parisien

“A Roissy, des yeux géants vus du ciel”, an article by Marie-Anne Kleiber, published 20/01/2019 for Journal du Dimanche

Dubbed the “Eyes of Heaven”, this work by Antoine Grumbach and ECT depicts giant eyes”, an article by Paul Louis, published on 25/01/2019 for BFM TV

“Eyes in the sky”: the excavated-earth belvedere by Antoine Grumbach and ECT”, published on 28/01/2019 for Le Journal du Grand Paris.

“Antoine Grumbach opens the eye of Grand Paris”, an article by Laurent Miguet, published on 28/01/2019 for Le Moniteur.

“Near Roissy, giant eyes seen from the sky”, an article by Marion Kindermans, published on 10/04/2019 for Les Echos

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