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[Métiers d’ECT] Employees and partners speak out

In partnership with Mag Journal 77 magazine, every month for the past year, ECT employees and partners have taken the floor. A great way to discover the company and its various areas of expertise. Through the testimonies of the men and women who work there. And also by meeting our partners in the field.

Soil traceability, a major challenge for ECT and its customers

Our sites are developed using soil from construction sites. Characterizing and controlling the land is the first step in development.

  • Beforehand, Alexandre checks and validates the origin of the soil and the layout of the earthworks. Find out more


  • Céline has been a receptionist for over 20 years. It checks truck loading on arrival at the site. Find out more


  • Marc is an environmental technician. He works for ECT on our customers’ sites, where he makes sure that the products are loaded onto the right receiving sites. Find out more


Receiving and shaping soil to enhance its value

  • Luc, machine operator. He shapes the site to receive our customers’ land. It uses the land to create the future layout. A passionate profession
  • Justine is a surveyor. In the office and in the field, she delineates the curves of models to create new landscapes. Find out more


  • Dimitri is in charge of the sector and also of the VRD team. Its mission is to manage sites and their development. Dimitri organizes his site to receive excavated earth from the construction industry. It ensures that the final layout corresponds to the agreed project. To do this, he works closely with the company’s surveyors. Discover a profession based on fieldwork and analysis


  • Joaquim works on the VRD team, reporting to Dimitri. This department is responsible for preparing a site for opening, operating and closing. From masonry and electrical work to the installation of panels and fences, this is a trade you can discover


  • Robin has been a mechanic in the workshop for 7 years. His job has evolved, and today he manages planning, orders and emergency interventions on ECT’s machines. Versatility and emergency management are key to keeping machine downtime to a minimum. A portrait to discover

Replanting, renaturalizing and promoting biodiversity

  • Delmindo works in the green spaces department. Every year, he and his team plant over 20,000 plants during the winter period. A job that reflects his respect for biodiversity, to discover


  • José is a beekeeper. He has beehives on the edge of the reforested areas of the ECT site in Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin. A successful experiment, to discover
  • Joaquim heads up the team at Equalis, an association promoting professional integration, which manages the upkeep and harvesting of the orchard replanted on 4 hectares of renaturalized mounds on the ECT site in Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin. Find out more


Dialogue with communities to design projects

As a developer of undeveloped land, ECT offers local authorities sustainable development solutions to boost the attractiveness of their area. That’s why the mayor of Iverny contacted ECT to create a sports and tree-lined promenade in his municipality, due to open in 2022. You can read his testimony


Latest news


Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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UNEV - Jeunes talents - UNEV - Young talent

ECT joins Connexion 21’s Club Jeunes Talents

  ECT is showcasing young corporate talent as part of a programme launched by Connexion 21, in partnership with UNEV and FNTP. The aim of this initiative is to highlight

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ECT génie écologique - ECT ecological engineering

Making a success of the “Ecological Engineering Horizon 2030” roadmap

The “Ingénierie et Génie Écologique Horizon 2030” (Engineering and Ecological Engineering Horizon 2030) roadmap aims to encourage the use of the resources offered by ecological engineering, an essential field for

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