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ECT and Urbafertil, partners of the Hortis 2021 conference

Hortis: a key player in the horticultural and landscape sector

The Hortis association brings together more than 600 managers of urban nature areas in local authorities. It is chaired by Pascal Goubier. Its annual conference took place from October 14 to 16, at the Orangerie du Domaine départemental de Sceaux, with the Hauts des Seine département as its partner.

This is the second year that ECT has taken part in the conference to present Urbafertil, a standardized, recycled and eco-responsible growing medium. Urbafertil was born out of the desire to offer a local, cost-effective alternative to imported topsoil. This fertile substrate is made from recycled inert soil and green waste compost.

Urbafertil and ECT: partners of the Hortis congress

Revegetation and restoring soil fertility

The Urbafertil approach supports the greening of towns and cities, offering solutions adapted to the creation of urban nature and sports areas.

This product is the fruit of research and development. Various experiments are underway with our partners at Astredhor Seine Manche, the Potager du Roi in Versailles and the Institut de Recherche et Développement in Bondy.

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