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ECT and AKUO inaugurate one of the two largest solar power plants in the Paris region

Inauguration centrale Annet-sur-Marne - Septembre 2020

September 29, inauguration of the photovoltaic power plant

The 1st panel of the solar power plant was officially installed on November 14, 2019. Ten months later, ECT and AKUO inaugurate the “Les Gabots” photovoltaic power plant in Annet-sur-Marne.

One of the largest solar farms in the Paris region

The solar power plant, comprising 44,000 photovoltaic modules, covers an area of 18.5 hectares. It avoids 847 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. Electricity production covers the power supply needs of 3,700 households, or almost 10,000 inhabitants. It makes the commune of Annet-sur-Marne (population 3,300) a positive-energy commune.

Giving a second life to derelict land

The plant is the result of a partnership between Akuo and ECT, through their joint subsidiary ACT-E. The solar panels are installed on inert earth embankments, optimizing their inclination and giving the site a second life. Akuo and ECT plan to duplicate the “Les Gabots” project on other projects in the Paris region. The aim is to develop photovoltaic energy production in particular, reaching 100 MWp at sites operated by ACT-E.

A crowdfunding campaign is open to all citizens

In addition to the participatory investment supported by local authorities, Akuo and ECT have decided to give all citizens the opportunity to benefit from the profitability of the “Les Gabots” solar power plant by offering them the chance to participate in refinancing the project through participatory lending on its AkuoCoop digital platform. Over €500,000 was raised in less than 30 days.

This scheme is designed to encourage citizen financing of the energy transition, by relying on the local authorities who are the key players. Since its creation, the platform has raised over 7 million euros in just 4 years to finance 13 green energy production plants.

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