Securing active careers

A complete partnership with quarrymen
Thanks to its expertise, ECT is able to offer quarrymen :
- management of the backfill authorization process, with the dual aim of accommodating the largest possible volume of soil and optimizing the diversity of soil types used,
- management of all backfilling operations at the quarry (safety, productivity, traceability and environment),
- commercial management with building and civil engineering contractors to negotiate the terms and conditions of soil inputs,
- land logistics management, including the installation of a double freight system.
Safe co-activity
ECT adapts its activity to the operating conditions stipulated in the prefectoral authorization: mining progress, quality of materials, required compaction.
ECT manages the complete traceability of the flow of materials entering the site (grid plan), as well as the quality of the materials used for backfilling.
ECT’s intervention is part of a dynamic of joint activity, through
- adoption of quarry safety procedures,
- anticipating and adapting the backfill phasing to the quarry’s extraction activity

Additional income
The input of materials required for backfilling becomes a source of revenue for the quarryman, while ensuring the safety of the quarry.
Backfilling is a 100% efficient alternative to tamping:
- better control of the site’s future stability,
- a source of income, not a cost item.
The reclamation of excavated soil makes it possible to secure active quarries.
ECT’s expertise in the management and safety of this type of backfill facilitates co-activity on the site.
AM Filaire
Securing and backfilling underground galleries
Thanks to its experience, ECT is able to carry out, in coordination with the quarryman, acceptance operations for the areas to be backfilled, as well as preparatory work to make the galleries safe before backfilling. ECT can also install lighting and underground living quarters.
Depending on the height of the tunnels, ECT masters different backfill techniques:
- creation of a ramp to access the roof of the gallery, for backfilling with a residual void of a few centimetres,
- flat backfilling, in successive passes, to secure the pillar feet before direct clamping.

build an outdoor unloading platform
The installation of an outdoor unloading platform is a 100% win-win project for all stakeholders. This platform saves a considerable amount of time: materials can be unloaded in 10 min (instead of 45 min). Pusher lorries are used for unloading in the gallery, improving safety conditions in the quarry.
Securing and backfilling open-cast quarries
For several years now, ECT has been deploying its comprehensive expertise in the backfilling of open-cast quarries for :
- define the geotechnical stability of external embankments, modeling their shape and inclination so that they can be built in accordance with best practice,
- backfilling to very great heights (> 100 metres), with successive level embankments,
- set up safe emptying areas on steep slopes

ECT masters high-level backfilling to secure open-cast quarries. Here, the Placo / Saint Gobain quarry at Cormeilles en Parisis (95)
Gil Fornet / ECT
Rehabilitation of the quarry site at the end of operations
Once the quarry has been made safe, the final utility value of the land takes many forms: green spaces, ecological compensation areas, biodiversity zones, renewable energy sites. ECT has developed a wide range of expertise and partnerships to carry out these various projects.
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